Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Well, the 5th week of school has started, along with the the first snowfall (to stick) on Saturday. I've been visting three different classrooms each week to satisfy my practicum requirements. I've got a fun group of first graders, a 7th-8th mixed group at Effie Cochran, and an intensive resource room with kids ages 5-11. Surprisingly, the resource room is my favorite. I have such a great time with those little guys that I've decided to entertain the notion of possibly pursuing a degree in special education. One thing I wanted to mention...I'm reading a book for another class and it mentioned that over a hundred years ago professional educators realized that Indian students were doing better academically when they were first taught in their own language, yet the government insisted that English-only assimilation was still the way to go. Just a little thought. Have a great week and Stay Warm.

1 comment:

skipvia said...

Yet another example of politics rather than pedagogy driving school practice. Some people don't like the idea of teaching in anything other than English, even though the evidence suggests otherwise. They don't let facts interfere with their beliefs...