Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Magnet Schools

Just wanted to get some input from you guys. I was recently told that the Alaska Board of Education would be sending officers to Kotzebue to examine the possiblity of opening a Magnet school in the community. Tenatively, the magnet school would be an alternative educational option to juniors and seniors in highschool in Kotzebue and the surrounding villages. Those students who wish to continue their education in either a technical school or college would be encouraged to enroll in the school where they would also live. My experience in the school system in Kotzebue leads me to believe that it could be highly beneficial. Local teachers have told me that the kids in Kotzebue are great, but the support of parents and families encouraging the students is lacking. With the students living in the school it may be easier to get them to conform and commit to their education because they will be living a more structured life. I do question the junior and senior only thing. I think all students, grades 9 through 12 should have the option. Get 'em while their young, ya know?

Kotzebue or Fairbanks

Well, I'm getting ready for my move to Fairbanks. 3 days and counting. I still haven't decided whether or not I'll use Kotzebue or Fairbanks for my "sense of place" slideshow or Panraven story. I'm leaning towards Kotzebue since I won't have a car in Fairbanks. I think a few pictures of Kotzebue, (geared towards new teachers), would be fun. Kotzebue has numerous new teachers each year that come to town with only bits of information about their future home. A more accurate and honest heads-up, like the slide-show/Panraven story, could help Kotzebue attract the kinds of teachers who are looking for a new lifestyle. We'll see what I end up with. I only have a few nights to figure it out.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Looking forward to the future

I really enjoyed our Ed 429 class! Skip was a great instructor who genuinely wants us to succeed. His enthusiasm for the programs and what they could help us accomplish in teaching was contagious. I'm really excited about using these tools in my classroom, so I plan on playing with each one every now-and-again so that when the time comes I'll be an EXPERT. Well, maybe not an expert, but proficient. Right now the possible ways to incorporate Inspiration into the classroom seem limitless; tons of ideas swirling around. I wish that we had an oppurtunity to explore TrackStar and TrailFire because they seem like they could be beneficial as well. I've got it on my To Do List to visit both sides to experiment. As for the movie making, I thought it was great. I think I may have to join a group or something though because I'm beginning to see some early signs of addiction! All in all, the class was wonderful and I thank all of you for being such terrific classmates and Skip, I thank you for being an awesome instructor.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Here are a few photos taken in northwest Alaska about 50 miles northeast of Kotzebue.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Electronic Teacher Aides

I think Inspiration is an excellent tool for teachers, especially because it can be converted to a Power Point slide show with the push of a button. It is very versatile and I can see myself using Inspiration and Power Point in classrooms for children of various ages. Both are powerful tools that can help keep students engage.
One specific feature I like is that the students can also use them, they're not merely for educators. Inspiration is inspiring, just as the name implies. I'm excited to introduce my own children to the program because I know that, not only will they love it, but it will be extremely helpful to them in thier studies in the future.
As a teacher I would like to use both programs to create lesson plans as well as use them for the actual lessons. You can alter them whenever needed and, as we all know, education is constantly changing so, there will probably be a lot of "alter-ing". Students will become huge contributors to lesson plans because you can receive their feedback, what works, what doesn't, and change it as needed. Plus, it's a lot like playing when you are creating something on either program, so it brings a little sunshine into what is often seen as monotonous and tedious.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Pad Thai

So Theresa was kind enough to take a few of us to a great Thai restaurant where I proceded to stuff myself. Just a note about the waitress: she worked her butt off, so I hope she made a killing in tips.